Stainless Steel Reactor
Lab1st JSR-B (1-150L) and JSR-L(200-300L) series jacketed stainless steel reactors are designed as a multi-purpose reaction platform with controlled temperature and pressure environment. Each stainless steel jacketed reactor consists of SUS30408 stainless steel reaction vessel, sealing, agitation, temperature probe and digital display, and other accessories like coiled condenser, bottom discharge valve, etc.
When working with heating/cooling circulators, the temperature inside the vessel can be gently and accurately controlled by thermal fluid circulation inside the jacket. This reaction vessel is rated to operate safely under full vacuum. A durable motor is designed for continuous operation.
Besides, we offer One Year Warranty, and we have stock in China and U.S.

فولاذ مقاوم للصدأ SUS304 متين، مقاوم للتآكل، قابل للتخصيص 316L
غطاء وعاء قابل للتخصيص مع منافذ قابلة للتعديل ومتعددة الوظائف.
تشغيل مرئي بسهولة مع شاشات عرض السرعة ودرجة الحرارة الرقمية.
مكثف كبير لحماية المذيب وتحقيق الانتعاش.
مزودة بنظارات رؤية لسهولة المراقبة.
تصميم فتحة وعاء أكبر، أسهل في التنظيف.
Larger vessel opening design, easier to clean.
Standard with agitation function, optional multi-layer stirring blades for optimal reaction results.
Rugged, High RPM stirring motor for superior stirring power.
Easily visual operation with digital speed and temperature displays.
Effective sealing design guarantees the inner vessel’s vacuum.