Cryogenic Ethanol Extraction

At Labfirst Scientific, we offer turnkey packages of both equipment and know-how on cryogenic ethanol extraction method, which is widely used on hemp & cannabis processing industry because of its scalability, cost-efficiency, and general safety.
The turnkey solution is based on LXJ-series of centrifuge extractor to soak and spin-dry the biomass. The quality of THC & CBD extract is guaranteed.
Processing Workflow
Lab1st's LXJ-N-TK series hemp extraction system is mainly based on low-temperature ethanol extraction, which can process large-scale biomass in a short time. The whole system includes the following steps: Chilling - Extraction - Filtration - Decarboxylation - Crystallization - Solvent Recovery ( Drying ) - THC Remediation. We are providing a rapid extractor to bypass the winterization process, which results save time and cost.

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